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The vast majority of ADD/ADHD cases should not be considered disorders but rather states of imbalance in our nervous system.

In the United States, 11% of school-aged children (4-17) have received an ADHD diagnosis; a number which has increased dramatically over the past 15 years. As a result, 6.1% of school-aged children are taking medications for ADHD and this number continues to rise. The average age of diagnosis is age 7, with boys 2.3 times more likely to be diagnosed than girls.

What are the classic symptoms of ADD/ADHD?


The three primary characteristics of ADD/ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. These characteristics show up in some of the following ways:

  • Difficulty concentrating or holding attention

  • Easily distracted/troubled maintaining focus

  • Impulsive behavior/inability to control emotions

  • Constant squirming or fidgeting

  • May have a shorter temper

  • Trouble staying organized or planning ahead

What is the cause of ADD/ADHD?

The vast majoring of ADD/ADHD cases should not be considered disorders but rather states of imbalance in our nervous system. Our autonomic nervous system (ANS) is divided into two divisions; the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for our “fight or flight” response and the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for relaxation and digestion.

Irritation to the nervous system from physical, chemical and emotional stressors can result in “sympathetic dominance” - a state of being where your child is constantly in the “fight or flight” response, leading to hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity.

Children have tremendous neuroplasticity; the earlier nervous system balance is achieved the greater their ability to “re-wire” their interaction with their environment.

Traditional medical management of ADD/ADHD

The most common traditional medical approach to ADD/ADHD is the administration of nervous system stimulant drugs. While masking symptoms may provide some immediate satisfaction, many side effects can occur, including nervousness, anxiety, personality alterations, vision problems, psychosis, suicidal thoughts, sleep problems, digestive issues, inhibited growth and many others. The effects of psychostimulant medications are also not sustainable in the long term, resulting in stronger doses being prescribed over time, which can lead to potentially more severe, unwanted side effects.

The Chiropractic Approach to ADD/ADHD

ADD/ADHD and Chiropractic

Chiropractors understand that the spine is a gateway which allows for proper communication between brain and body. Physical stressors such as birth trauma or intrauterine constraint, chemical stressors such as medication use or poor diets and emotional stressors such as anxiety or sleep troubles can all lead to spinal “subluxations”, which dysfunctional in movement of the vertebrae in your child’s spine, causing disruption of proper nervous system communication.

This dysfunction compromises the normal functioning of nerves and can negatively influence your overall health and wellbeing; in the case of ADD/ADHD, contributing to a state of sympathetic dominance. By correcting subluxations (often seen in the upper neck region of children with ADD/ADHD), your chiropractor will hep restore balance to the nervous system and begin to activate the parasympathetic response in favor of sympathetic dominance. Your chiropractor can also be a good resource for other lifestyle modifications to support nervous system balance.

Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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Asthma is a growing issue in today’s world, especially among children, with 1 in 12 people affected, a number on the rise in recent years.

Causation factors of asthma in our children are varied and standards of treatment are often reliant on medication and avoidance of aggravating locations and activities. For those parents who want their children to be able to engage in all the activities they enjoy without reliance on puffers and other pharmaceuticals, hope may still exist in the form of natural options. Many families enjoy a reduction in symptoms of asthma while under regular chiropractic care due to the benefits of a nervous system which is free from stress. Chiropractic is not a specific treatment of asthma, but rather spinal subluxations. Chiropractors are trained to detect and correct areas of spinal subluxations which can impede nervous system communication and your child’s propensity for expression of health. When your child’s nervous system is able to function as intended, your child’s body is more likely to exhibit proper control in regulating breathing and reducing inflammation.

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The phrenic nerve is formed from nerve roots in the cervical spine (neck) and provides nerve supply to the diaphragm, the primary muscles used in breathing. Misalignments in the cervical spine may compromise diaphragm function.

There are several accessory breathing muscles which are innervated from nerve supply in the cervical and thoracic spine which can be impeded by spinal misalignments.

The vagus nerve is a cranial nerve which passes closely to the cervical spine and supplies the heart, lungs, upper digestive tract and also inhibits inflammation and stress in the body by regulating and providing support to Th1 immunity (rather than Th2 dominance in chronic inflammatory disorders).

It’s important to understand that Chiropractic itself is not a cure or treatment for asthma or other respiratory difficulties.

Chiropractic enhances your child’s ability to heal by ensuring proper function of the spine and nervous system. As a result, improvement in symptoms of asthma are often seen. Your family chiropractor will also advise you on other strategies to improve your child’s expression of health such as dietary modifications, essential supplementation, exercise habits and posture.

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Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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The nervous system is the master controller of the body and is greatly affected in children with autism.

In addition, the nervous system is intricately tied to the immune system and digestive system, both of which are often affected in autism spectrum disorders. Our autonomic nervous system (ANS) is divided into two divisions: the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for our “fight or flight” response, and the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for “relaxation and digestion”. Irritation to the nervous system from physical, chemical and emotional stressors early in life can result in “sympathetic dominance” - a state of being where your child is constantly in the “fight or flight” response, leading to hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity, behavioral issues, sleep issues, sensory processing problems and many more potential symptoms. Lack of the parasympathetic response can also lead to depressed digestive and immune systems, resulting in bowel/bladder issues, improper digestion, predisposition to illness, autoimmune responses by the body and many other potential symptoms.

You have got to keep autistic children engaged with the world. You cannot let them tune out.
— Temple Grandin, Ph.D

How Chiropractic Can Help

  • Chiropractors understand that the spine is a gateway which allows for proper communication between brain and body.

  • By correcting subluxations your chiropractor will help restore balance to the nervous system and begin to activate the parasympathetic response in favor of sympathetic dominance.

  • Reducing sympathetic dominance can help reduce behavior related symptoms while simultaneously increasing digestive and immune function through increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system.

  • Chiropractic can prevent or minimize biomechanical degeneration and discomforts associated with postural dysfunction and repetitive traumas/motions from stimming or self injurious behavior.

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Children have tremendous neuroplasticity; the earlier nervous system balance is achieved, the greater thier ability to “re-wire” their interaction with their environment. By clearing patterns of vertebral subluxation, your pediatric chiropractor can help your child’s nervous system stay in a balanced state, which can break the cycle of neurological stress, chronic illness and digestive upset.

Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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While various physiological and emotional benefits exist with swaddling, one should be cognizant that babies should not be swaddling with their legs restricted and kept together in a straight position. Their lack of ability to move in this position, primarily for the hips to be open or the knees to flex up to the chest, can prevent the femoral head from sitting in the socket and contribute to development of hip dysplasia in early infant development.

Car Seats

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Car seats are a modern day necessity, however a child’s time should be limited in these as well. Restrictive straps, which would be life saving in the event of a motor vehicle collision, prevent a wakeful child from developing muscle strength and necessary growth from the original shape of the child’s spine. When not in a moving vehicle, a child should not be in a car seat or other bucket devices such as swings and infant seats for prolonged periods of time.

Baby Carriers

Forward facing carriers where the legs are not supported in an abducted and flexed position are harmful to a developing infant’s skeletal structure and puts a child at risk of developmental hip dysplasia. Unsupported legs (dangling from the genitals) in combination with weak abdominal muscles create a follow back arching in infants (hyperextension of the lumbar spine). This is accentuated with every step the parent takes and contributes to a condition called spondylolisthesis (slippage of one vertebrae on top of another).

Infant Sitting Chairs

Using a chair which falsely puts your child in a sitting posture for extended periods of time before they are physically read to do so, because of lack of strength and coordination, can be harmful. Infant sitting chairs puts your child’s lumbar spine in a position of flexion, creating rounding of the shoulders and forward head posture. Sitting, a gross motor development, will happen in an appropriate sequence when the child is developmentally ready. Some of the benefits of these chairs claim to have such as aided digestion and breathing can be achieved much better through upright carrying.



Positional plagiocephaly is a term meaning flattening of the skill. While positional plagiocephaly may not affect how a baby’s brain develops, it can affect a baby’s appearance and can cause a baby’s head and face to develop unevenly, potentially affecting their ability to talk and chew, as well as possibly causing sinus or vision problems.

Up until about 12 months of age, the bones of your baby’s head are thin and flexible. This makes your baby’s head very soft and easy to mold. Because a baby’s skull is soft, constant pressure on one part of the skull causes flattening. If your baby is always on their back or low incline whether in a crib, stroller, car seat or swing, part of their skull may become flat due to the pressure.

Infants were not meant to spend extended time in these devices. Other negative physiological effects can be seen beyond aesthetics such as poor development of the cerebellum and vestibular system, inability to optimally regulate temperature, breathing and heart rate, emotional distress from lack of parent-baby attachment, reflux and ear infections.

Tummy Time

Tummy time is an ideal way to encourage muscle strength, coordination and spinal development. Tummy time should be done in a safe, supervised area on the floor or on a caregiver’s chest while enjoying skin to skin or cuddle time.

Sometimes infants may dislike tummy time because they can’t roll themselves onto their back and do not yet have the muscle strength and coordination to hold their head up for sustained periods of time. If your infant does not tolerate tummy time well, upright carrying with the infant facing the parent is a great substitute, allowing for the feeling of safety while still promoting ideal spinal and muscle development. Bottom line is that tummy time is great if baby is content and well supervised, however upright carrying can be an ideal substitute that still promotes optimal development.

Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources!

If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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Is Bedwetting normal?

  • Yes, development of urinary control is a normal part of growing and developing. Everyone is born unable to control their bladder function and this ability is gained as we grow older.

  • By age 5 however, the majority of children have developed a consistent pattern of urinary control and frequent episodes of bedwetting may be a sign of dysfunction.

  • In most cases, bedwetting will fade away on its own due to normal growth and development. Until it does, it’s important to provide support for your child, as bedwetting can be an embarrassing and frustrating experience for them.

Possible causes of bedwetting

  • Urinary tract infection

    • Infections can cause bladder pain and dysfunction, which could also be the sign of another underlying problem.

  • Bedtime habits

    • Drinking too much water immediately before bed or not using the washroom before bed can be obvious reasons for bedwetting and should be considered.

  • Emotional stress

    • Stress at home or at school, major life changes or disruptions in routine can all contribute to the onset of bedwetting.

  • Nervous system imbalance

    • Since nerves control organ function, miscommunication between brain and body or irritation of the nervous system can lead to improper control of the urinary system

How does Chiropractic help with bed wetting?

  • Your chiropractor is specially trained to examine your child for the presence of spinal misalignments, called “vertebral subluxations”.

  • If detected, your chiropractor will use safe and effective chiropractic adjustments to restore proper spinal movement, correct subluxations and remove nervous system interference.

  • By allowing your child’s nervous system to function as intended, your child’s body is more likely to exhibit proper control in regulating urinary output.

  • Many case studies have shown positive examples of bedwetting being helped with chiropractic care. Ongoing research is needed in this area as our understanding continues to grow regarding how the nervous system may affect bladder control.

A Wellness Approach to Bedwetting

  • It’s important for you to realize that chiropractic is not a “cure” for bedwetting.

  • Your otherwise healthy child is designed to self-regulate and naturally control bladder function through their nervous system.

  • Chiropractors are there to help ensure proper function of the spine and freedom for your child’s nervous system to express control as naturally designed.

  • Chiropractic can play a key role in your natural approach to resolving bedwetting in your child.

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Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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Infant colic is defined as uncontrolled crying or difficulty soothing in an otherwise healthy, well-fed infant. A generally accepted definition is Wessel’s rule of 3s: crying or fussing for at least three hours per day, on three or more days, for three or more weeks.

Is colic common/normal?

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Colic is the most common presentation to pediatricians during the first 16 weeks of life. Studies have shown that up to 19% of all infants are afflicted with some type of crying syndrome. The onset of colic is usually between birth and 24 weeks old, with the peak typically occurring between 3 and 6 weeks of age. 86% of cases will resolve by 3 months of age, however others can persist longer.

Why does colic happen?

The trauma of birth often leads to the development of cranial and sacral dysfunctions, known as subluxations, which manifest in the form of infantile colic. The consumption of formula containing cow’s milk has also been linked to infantile colic.

What are the consequences of colic?

Persistent crying is uncomfortable for babies, stressful for the parents and has been linked to post-partum depression. Persistent crying is also the leading cause of Shaken Baby Syndrome and a major precursor for child abuse and neglect in general. Some studies have shown the possibility of behavioral problems, lower academic achievements in later year and deficits in attachment and boding in children with untreated colic as infants.

How does Chiropractic help with colic?

Chiropractors are trained to identify and remove your child’s spinal subluxations; a safe, gentle and effective strategy to reduce symptoms of infantile colic. Correcting spinal dysfunction reduces irritation to your child’s nervous system, allowing for resolution of colic symptoms in an otherwise healthy infant. In addition, your Chiropractor can provide you with advice on nutrition, supplementation and infant ergonomics to support your child’s growing body.

A wellness approach

It’s important to note that chiropractic itself is not a “cure” for colic. In reality, your child’s body does all of the healing; chiropractors are there to help ensure proper function of the spine and freedom for your child’s nervous system to operate properly.

Research Studies

One study of 316 cases of colic showed satisfactory results with chiropractic adjustments in 94% of cases, with the results occurring within 2 weeks.


Another study showed complete resolution of symptoms in 93% of infants withing 2 weeks and a maximum of 6 treatments, with no recurrence and a statistically significant difference between the placebo group and the chiropractic group.

In a blind study, parents observed the positive effects on crying behavior with chiropractic care without knowing if their infant received a chiropractic adjustment or not, eliminating any bias from the parents observing treatment.

Overall, studies show that taking a colicky infant to a chiropractor will likely result in fewer reported hours of colic by the parents.

Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


While ear infections are increasingly more common among today’s children, they should not be mistaken for normal.

An ear infection is often a symptom of an immune system out of balance and challenged by various stimulants in a child’s diet and environment, combined with a body that does not have optimal functioning to deal with these stimulants. Together this results in increased mucous production and inflammation leading to infections and other illnesses.

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Two approaches that I have seen work most effectively to reduce ear fluid, ear pain and chronic ear problems is a change in the child’s diet and the incorporation of manual adjustments into the care plan, ie. chiropractic care.
— Dr. Lawrence Palvesky MD

There are two common medical approaches today:

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Antibiotics and surgery (tubes). As many of 70% of ear infections are caused by viruses (not bacteria), which do not respond to antibiotic use. By using unnecessary antibiotics you are often predisposing a child to repeat infections and illness by eliminating good bacteria in their body. When a child undergoes surgical intervention to have drainage tubes inserted into their tympanic membrane, you’ve created a short term mechanical solution to drain the middle ear, but the real underlying cause of the infection is still not being addressed. A secondary recommendation is often to have adenoids removed; these are important lymphatic tissues that enlarge when the immune system is chronically stimulated. By eliminating chronic stimulants in a child’s diet and environment, and removing interference along the nervous system, the immune system can respond appropriately and the need for these medical interventions is often eliminated.

Chiropractors help by removing your child’s spinal subluxations…

…allowing their body to express its full potential for self-healing and properly manage ear drainage.

Cranial nerves free of interference lead to normal peristaltic motion of the Eustachian tubes and appropriate middle ear drainage. Having your child’s immune system assessed at birth and regularly throughout childhood allows their immune system and the rest of their body to develop and grow properly.

It’s important for you to realize that chiropractic is not a “cure” for ear infections. In reality, your child’s body does all of the healing; chiropractors are there to help ensure proper function of the spinal and freedom for your child’s body to fight infections as naturally designed.

Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


Fever is the healing flame, the great cleanser of the body, and a critical part of a developing child’s immune system.
— Philip Incao, MD

How do fevers help?

  • Fevers raise our core body temperature, which limits the growth and replication of bacteria and viruses.

  • Fevers help stimulate the immune system and allow certain types of immune cells to work more effectively, allowing for quicker recovery from invading pathogens.

  • Fevers signal our bodies to rest while important work is done by the immune system to fight infection


What Causes Fevers?

  • The vast majority of fever are caused by simple viral or bacterial infections, such as cold and flu-like illnesses.

  • Other less typical causes of fever may include:

    • Reactions to immunizations

    • Teething (may cause a mild fever)

    • Certain autoimmune or inflammatory diseases

    • Poisoning or environmental toxins

    • Heat stroke

    • Side effects of some types of medications

    • Blood clots

    • Certain types of cancers

Why reducing a typical fever is usually not helpful

  • Fevers themselves are typically not dangerous when the cause is known and fluid loss is accounted for. Typically mortality or morbidity associated with fevers is due to more serious underlying conditions, not the fever response itself.

  • Fevers are part of the body’s natural defense system, so artificially reducing a fever with medications can prolong the illness since the body is not able to fight most efficiently.

  • Frequent doses of pain relievers and fever reducing medications can have undesirable side effects.

  • Fever reducers will depress or mask symptoms of illness and will cause adults and children to venture out into public while they are still contagious, which contributes to the spread of viruses.

When should i seek medical attention?

  • Since there are many reasons why a fever might appear, it’s important to use your own judgement combined with the advice of trusted healthcare providers in each individual scenario. If you have any concerns that you or your child’s fever is not within a safe range, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Some signs that medical attention may be necessary include:

    • Presence of underlying immune system problems, due to cancer or other diseases

    • A fever that continues to rise and sustains past 103°F

    • Recent travel to another country

    • Recent exposure to environmental toxins

    • Any signs of respiratory distress

    • Prolonged or recurring fevers lasting more than 72 hours

    • Hallucinations, dizziness, vomiting or other signs of severe distress

    • Severe lethargy or dehydration

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Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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Headaches are very common, but definitely not normal for the human body! A large study showed a staggering 38% prevalence of tension-type headache in the general population over a one year period. Of those affected, 8.3% lost workdays because of their headaches and 43.6 reported decreased effectiveness at work, home or school.

Why do I get headaches in the first place?

Headaches happen when the blood vessels and/or nerves entering your skull are irritated. The onset of headaches can have many contributing factors such as stress, nutritional choices and sleep habits.

These factors can often cause vertebral subluxations - a condition the affects the movement of your spine and ultimately the surrounding nerves which travel back to the skull.

Anatomy of a headache

The nerves in your cervical spine (neck) are the common link for many types of headaches. In studies, noxious stimulation of the nerve roots exiting the upper neck have been shown to elicit headaches.

Neck muscles, ligaments and connective tissue have also been shown to cause headaches.


How do chiropractors help with headaches?


Your chiropractor will perform a thorough health history and physical examination to determine if you have vertebral subluxations, as well as any other factors which may be contributing to your headaches. By correcting your subluxations using safe and gentle chiropractic adjustments, your chiropractor will restore proper function to your neck and relieve pressure on the nerves which enter the skull.

Migraine headaches, chronic tension-type headaches and cervicogenic headaches have all been shown to respond favorably to chiropractic adjustments.

Can’t I just take medication to help with my headaches?

Even though drugs may help temporarily relieve your symptoms, it is important to understand that they do not treat the root cause of headaches. Suppressing your symptoms with medication also may cause undesired side effects in the long run and can be harmful to organs like the liver and kidneys.

Headache Prevention

The best treatment for headaches is to not get them in the first place! Your chiropractor can help you assess your lifestyle factors and provide specific advice to help you prevent headaches from appearing in the future.

Getting checked regularly for vertebral subluxations is essential in reducing nervous system stress as part of your preventative approach to the most common types of headaches.

Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a healthcare discipline that emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily of the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health.

Your body is an amazing creation that can accomplish numerous miraculous tasks including creating new life. These miraculous tasks are accomplished under the direction of the nervous system.
— American Pregnancy Association

What is infertility?

  • The generally accepted definition of infertility is the inability to become pregnant after trying to conceive consistently for one year.

  • A couple with be typically classified as infertile if they have not used contraception and have not become pregnant for 12 consecutive months.

The effects of age on fertility

  • Fertility naturally declines in both men and women, however at much different rates.

  • Women in their 30’s are about half as fertile as compare to their early 20’s and chance of conception significantly declines after age 35.

  • Men also experience a decline in fertility, but at a more gradual decline over the years.

Factors that can influence fertility

  • Reducing or completely avoiding smoking, drugs, caffeine and alcohol can significantly increase fertility, since reproductive organs are very sensitive to free radicals and oxidative stress that occurs with these lifestyle behaviors.

  • Extremes of body weight, insulin resistance, inadequate levels of exercise and adrenal impairment due to stress also have been shown to create imbalance in body chemistry, which can negatively influence fertility.

  • Currently there are no large scale studies showing spinal adjustments increasing fertility directly, however many smaller studies and case reports suggest a link between the spine, nervous system and fertility.

How big of a problem is infertility?

  • In the United States approximately 9% of men and 11% of women have experienced fertility problems, with 7.3 million women having some for of infertility services

  • When breaking down fertility problems approximately 20% of all cases involve both male and female factors. 35% involve male factors only, 35% involve female factors only, and 10% are unknown.

  • Research shows that after 1 year of trying to become pregnant, 12% to 15% of couples are not able to conceive. After 2 years of trying, 10% of couples are still not able to conceive.

Fertility and Chiropractic Research

  • Since many cases of infertility involve a combination of factors, it becomes difficult to study how each individual lifestyle factor, including engaging in regular chiropractic care, can relate to fertility problems.

  • Many case studies have demonstrated a positive association between chiropractic care and fertility, even in cases where many other medical treatments were tried without success.

  • Further research in this area must ideally focus on the effects of chiropractic on the autonomic nervous system and how these changes can directly influence reproductive organs and subsequently the ability to overcome fertility problems.

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Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources!

As someone who chooses to take care of pregnant mamas as a specialty, this is one of our favorite topics! If you’re ready to get your health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that develops during childhood. Normally the spine only has curves front to back. If you were looking at someone with scoliosis from behind, their spine would have a “C” shape or possibly even an “S” shape, instead of a straight vertical line.


How Does Scoliosis Happen?

Most cases of scoliosis are considered idiopathic, meaning the cause is not known, although suggestions in the literature have been made to genetic factors, hormone activity, postural alterations and nervous system development. The remaining cases of scoliosis are secondary to connective tissues disorders or neuromuscular disorders.

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How is Scoliosis Determined/

A simple forward bending test (Adam’s test) can be used to observe potential presence of rib prominence or “humping” on one side of the body. Uneven muscle tone or side to side appearance is also often seen with scoliosis. If rib prominence is seen, x-rays are taken and a measurement called the Cobb Angle is used to determine the degree of curvature in the spine.

Should I be Concerned about Progression?

As long as your child is still growing, progression of scoliosis is possible (progression will end after skeletal maturity). Studies suggest females are at a greater risk of curve progression, with as much as a 10x greater risk compared to males.

Any degree of scoliosis is not ideal, however more severe side effects are typically not seen until the curvature is greater than 40 degrees. Side effects past this stage may include: moderate to severe back pain, pressure and altered function of internal organs and noticable postural deformity. Fortunately greater than 40 degrees only occur in approximately 0.1% of the population.

Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis?

Currently there is lack of enough scientific evidence to firmly draw conclusions on the ability of chiropractic care to reverse curves in scoliosis, however results from case studies and anatomical studies are very encouraging.

It appears that most successful cases of scoliosis management used a multi-modal approach, combining chiropractic adjustments with self-care exercise, bracing and other methods of rehabilitation. No single treatment method alone has been shown in the correction of scoliosis, however case studies and pilot studies with conservative care has the potential to stop or reverse the curvature, thereby reducing the need for more invasive or undesirable interventions later on.

Further, it appears that bone remodeling may be possible at any stage in life, meaning that correction of scoliosis may still be possible even later in life once skeletal maturity has been reached. Skeletally mature adults living with scoliosis can benefit from including chiropractic as part of their wellness routine.


Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! Scoliosis has a special place in Dr. Mary Beth’s heart - if you haven’t read her story, you can do so here!

If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!


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What is torticollis?

Torticollis, sometimes known as wry neck, is a condition where a child’s head is tilted to one side while the chin is tilted in the opposite direction, producing a “twisted” appearance. There are two types of torticollis; congenital (meaning present from birth) and acquired (developed during childhood).

Why does torticollis happen?

  • Congenital torticollis is most often caused by spinal misalignment (subluxation) in the upper neck, often because of baby’s position in utero or due to birth trauma. As a result, there is contraction of a muscle called the Sternocleidomastoid (SCM), which connects from the skull to the sternum and clavicle. This muscle becomes contracted (shortened) secondary to spinal misalignment in the upper cervical spine and results in the head tilt appearance of torticollis.

  • Less commonly, congenital torticollis is caused by more serious underlying conditions. One such cause is called Klippel-Feil syndrome., which involves congenital fusion of cervical spine (neck) vertebrae.

  • Acquired torticollis can happen at any time during a child’s life and may be cause by many factors, including sports, sleep, playtime, falls, accidents, poor posture or general daily activities.

  • Both congenital and acquired torticollis involve the development of cranial and spinal segmental dysfunctions, known as subluxations and the postural changes seen in torticollis.

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Persistent patterns of subluxation which may predispose your child to other behavioral and developmental health challenges.

Limited range of motion which can affect activities of daily living.

Potential compromised function of ears, eye, and jaw.

Elevated risk of cognitive and motor delays associated with deformation plagiocephaly.

What are the symptoms of torticollis?

  • You may notice your infant holding their head to one side, often associated with limited neck movement

  • A small bump of the side of the neck may also be visible or felt.

  • Preference for breastfeeding on one side.

  • Uneven hair loss pattern on back of skull.

  • Frequent crying or signs of discomfort are also commonly reported among children with torticollis.

  • Older children may verbalize neck pain, stiffness and headaches.


How does Chiropractic help with torticollis?

  • Your chiropractor will first assess your child using a detailed health history and examination to determine the cause of your child’s torticollis and to asses for any complicating factors.

  • If chiropractic care is indicated in your child’s case, your chiropractor may utilize a variety of techniques to help resolve the issue, including: gentle chiropractic adjustments and/or spinal mobilizations, specific stretching, trigger point therapy, pillow positioning advice, modified ergonomics and specific exercises.

  • Chiropractors are trained to identify and remove your child’s spinal subluxations; a safe, gentle and effective strategy to help correct the effects of torticollis in many cases.

  • Many case reports have shown great success with chiropractic care in the management of torticollis, potentially avoiding more invasive surgical procedures for infants and children with this condition.

Research and information thanks to Wellness Media Resources! If you’re ready to get you or your kids’ health back on track, schedule your new patient appointment today!